File discretization_function_score.hpp

namespace boosting
class ScoreDiscretizationFunctionFactory : public boosting::IDiscretizationFunctionFactory
#include <discretization_function_score.hpp>

Allow to create instances of the type IDiscretizationFunction that discretize regression scores by comparing them to a threshold.

Public Functions

ScoreDiscretizationFunctionFactory(float64 threshold)

threshold – The threshold that should be used for discretization

virtual std::unique_ptr<IDiscretizationFunction> create(const IMarginalProbabilityCalibrationModel &marginalProbabilityCalibrationModel) const override

Creates and returns a new object of the type IDiscretizationFunction.


marginalProbabilityCalibrationModel – A reference to an object of type IMarginalProbabilityCalibrationModel that should be used for the calibration of marginal probabilities


An unique pointer to an object of type IDiscretizationFunction that has been created

Private Members

float64 threshold_