File feature_type_ordinal.hpp

class OrdinalFeatureType : public IFeatureType
#include <feature_type_ordinal.hpp>

Represents an ordinal feature.

Public Functions

virtual std::unique_ptr<IFeatureVector> createFeatureVector(uint32 featureIndex, const FortranContiguousView<const float32> &featureMatrix) const override

Creates and returns a feature vector that stores the feature values taken from a given Fortran-contiguous matrix for a certain feature.

  • featureIndex – The index of the feature

  • featureMatrix – A reference to an object of type FortranContiguousView that provides column-wise access to the feature values


An unique pointer to an object of type IFeatureVector that has been created

virtual std::unique_ptr<IFeatureVector> createFeatureVector(uint32 featureIndex, const CscView<const float32> &featureMatrix) const override

Creates and returns a feature vector that stores the feature values taken from a given CSC matrix for a certain feature.

  • featureIndex – The index of the feature

  • featureMatrix – A reference to an object of type CscView that provides column-wise access to the feature values


An unique pointer to an object of type IFeatureVector that has been created