mlrl.boosting.config module

Author: Michael Rapp (

Provides utility function for configuring boosting algorithms.

class mlrl.boosting.config.BinaryPredictorParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the strategy to be used for predicting binary labels.

class mlrl.boosting.config.DefaultRuleParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure whether a default rule should be induced or not.

class mlrl.boosting.config.ExtendedFeatureBinningParameter

Bases: FeatureBinningParameter

Extends the FeatureBinningParameter by a value for automatic configuration.

class mlrl.boosting.config.ExtendedParallelRuleRefinementParameter

Bases: ParallelRuleRefinementParameter

Extends the ParallelRuleRefinementParameter by a value for automatic configuration.

class mlrl.boosting.config.ExtendedParallelStatisticUpdateParameter

Bases: ParallelStatisticUpdateParameter

Extends the ParallelStatisticUpdateParameter by a value for automatic configuration.

class mlrl.boosting.config.ExtendedPartitionSamplingParameter

Bases: PartitionSamplingParameter

Extends the PartitionSamplingParameter by a value for automatic configuration.

class mlrl.boosting.config.HeadTypeParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the type of the rule heads that should be used.

HEAD_TYPE_PARTIAL_DYNAMIC = 'partial-dynamic'
HEAD_TYPE_PARTIAL_FIXED = 'partial-fixed'
HEAD_TYPE_SINGLE = 'single-label'
OPTION_EXPONENT = 'exponent'
OPTION_LABEL_RATIO = 'label_ratio'
OPTION_MAX_LABELS = 'max_labels'
OPTION_MIN_LABELS = 'min_labels'
OPTION_THRESHOLD = 'threshold'
class mlrl.boosting.config.JointProbabilityCalibrationParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the method to be used for the calibration of joint probabilities.

class mlrl.boosting.config.L1RegularizationParameter

Bases: FloatParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the weight of the L1 regularization.

class mlrl.boosting.config.L2RegularizationParameter

Bases: FloatParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the weight of the L2 regularization.

class mlrl.boosting.config.LabelBinningParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the strategy to be used for gradient-based label binning (GBLB).

class mlrl.boosting.config.LossParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the loss function to be minimized during training.

LOSS_LOGISTIC_EXAMPLE_WISE = 'logistic-example-wise'
LOSS_LOGISTIC_LABEL_WISE = 'logistic-label-wise'
LOSS_SQUARED_ERROR_EXAMPLE_WISE = 'squared-error-example-wise'
LOSS_SQUARED_ERROR_LABEL_WISE = 'squared-error-label-wise'
LOSS_SQUARED_HINGE_EXAMPLE_WISE = 'squared-hinge-example-wise'
LOSS_SQUARED_HINGE_LABEL_WISE = 'squared-hinge-label-wise'
class mlrl.boosting.config.MarginalProbabilityCalibrationParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the method to be used for the calibration of marginal probabilities.

class mlrl.boosting.config.ProbabilityPredictorParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the strategy to be used for predicting probabilities.

class mlrl.boosting.config.ShrinkageParameter

Bases: FloatParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the shrinkage parameter, a.k.a. the learning rate, to be used.

class mlrl.boosting.config.StatisticFormatParameter

Bases: NominalParameter

A parameter that allows to configure the format to be used for the representation of gradients and Hessians.