File statistic_format_auto.hpp

namespace boosting
class AutomaticStatisticsConfig : public boosting::IStatisticsConfig
#include <statistic_format_auto.hpp>

Allows to configure a method that automatically decides for a format for storing statistics about the labels of the training examples.

Public Functions

AutomaticStatisticsConfig(const std::unique_ptr<ILossConfig> &lossConfigPtr, const std::unique_ptr<IHeadConfig> &headConfigPtr, const std::unique_ptr<IDefaultRuleConfig> &defaultRuleConfigPtr)
  • lossConfigPtr – A reference to an unique pointer that stores the configuration of the loss function

  • headConfigPtr – A reference to an unique pointer that stores the configuration of the rule heads

  • defaultRuleConfigPtr – A reference to an unique pointer that stores the configuration of the default rule

virtual std::unique_ptr<IStatisticsProviderFactory> createStatisticsProviderFactory(const IFeatureMatrix &featureMatrix, const IRowWiseLabelMatrix &labelMatrix, const Blas &blas, const Lapack &lapack) const override

Creates and returns a new object of type IStatisticsProviderFactory according to the specified configuration.

  • featureMatrix – A reference to an object of type IFeatureMatrix that provides access to the feature values of the training examples

  • labelMatrix – A reference to an object of type IRowWiseLabelMatrix that provides row-wise access to the labels of the training examples

  • blas – A reference to an object of type Blas that allows to execute BLAS routines

  • lapack – A reference to an object of type Lapack that allows to execute LAPACK routines


An unique pointer to an object of type IStatisticsProviderFactory that has been created

virtual bool isDense() const override

Returns whether a dense format is used for storing statistics about the labels of the training examples or not.


True, if a dense format is used, false otherwise

virtual bool isSparse() const override

Returns whether a sparse format is used for storing statistics about the labels of the training examples or not.


True, if a sparse format is used, false otherwise

Private Members

const std::unique_ptr<ILossConfig> &lossConfigPtr_
const std::unique_ptr<IHeadConfig> &headConfigPtr_
const std::unique_ptr<IDefaultRuleConfig> &defaultRuleConfigPtr_