File feature_info_mixed.hpp


std::unique_ptr<IMixedFeatureInfo> createMixedFeatureInfo(uint32 numFeatures)

Creates and returns a new object of type IMixedFeatureInfo.


numFeatures – The total number of available features


An unique pointer to an object of type IMixedFeatureInfo that has been created

class IMixedFeatureInfo : public IFeatureInfo
#include <feature_info_mixed.hpp>

Defines an interface for all classes that provide information about the types of individual features in cases where different types of features, i.e., ordinal, nominal and numerical ones, are available.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~IMixedFeatureInfo() override
virtual void setNumerical(uint32 featureIndex) = 0

Marks the feature at a specific index as numerical.


featureIndex – The index of the feature

virtual void setOrdinal(uint32 featureIndex) = 0

Marks the feature at a specific index as ordinal.


featureIndex – The index of the feature

virtual void setNominal(uint32 featureIndex) = 0

Marks the feature at a specific index as nominal.


featureIndex – The index of the feature