File index_vector.hpp

class IIndexVector
#include <index_vector.hpp>

Defines an interface for all classes that provide random access to indices.

Subclassed by CompleteIndexVector, IPrediction, PartialIndexVector

Public Functions

inline virtual ~IIndexVector()
virtual uint32 getNumElements() const = 0

Returns the number of indices.


The number of indices

virtual bool isPartial() const = 0

Returns whether the indices are partial, i.e., some indices in the range [0, getNumElements()) are missing, or not.


True, if the indices are partial, false otherwise

virtual uint32 getIndex(uint32 pos) const = 0

Returns the index at a specific position.


pos – The position of the index. Must be in [0, getNumElements())


The index at the given position

virtual std::unique_ptr<IRuleRefinement> createRuleRefinement(IFeatureSubspace &featureSubspace, uint32 featureIndex) const = 0

Creates and return a new instance of type IRuleRefinement that allows to search for the best refinement of an existing rule that predicts only for the labels whose indices are stored in this vector.

  • featureSubspace – A reference to an object of type IFeatureSubspace that should be to search for the refinement

  • featureIndex – The index of the feature that should be considered when searching for the refinement


An unique pointer to an object of type IRuleRefinement that has been created