File predictor_score_label_wise.hpp

namespace boosting
class LabelWiseScorePredictorConfig : public IScorePredictorConfig
#include <predictor_score_label_wise.hpp>

Allows to configure a predictor that predicts label-wise regression scores for given query examples by summing up the scores that are provided by individual rules for each label individually.

Public Functions

LabelWiseScorePredictorConfig(const std::unique_ptr<IMultiThreadingConfig> &multiThreadingConfigPtr)

multiThreadingConfigPtr – A reference to an unique pointer that stores the configuration of the multi-threading behavior that should be used to predict for several query examples in parallel

std::unique_ptr<IScorePredictorFactory> createPredictorFactory(const IRowWiseFeatureMatrix &featureMatrix, uint32 numLabels) const override

See also


bool isLabelVectorSetNeeded() const override

See also


Private Members

const std::unique_ptr<IMultiThreadingConfig> &multiThreadingConfigPtr_