File prediction_matrix_sparse_binary.hpp


std::unique_ptr<BinarySparsePredictionMatrix> createBinarySparsePredictionMatrix(const BinaryLilMatrix &lilMatrix, uint32 numCols, uint32 numNonZeroElements)

Creates and returns a new object of the type BinarySparsePredictionMatrix as a copy of an existing BinaryLilMatrix.


An unique pointer to an object of type BinarySparsePredictionMatrix that has been created

class BinarySparsePredictionView : public BinaryCsrViewAllocator<BinaryCsrView>
#include <prediction_matrix_sparse_binary.hpp>

A two-dimensional view that provides row-wise access to binary values stored in a matrix in the compressed sparse row (CSR) format that have been copied from a BinaryLilMatrix.

Public Functions

BinarySparsePredictionView(const BinaryLilMatrix &lilMatrix, uint32 numCols, uint32 numNonZeroElements)
BinarySparsePredictionView(BinarySparsePredictionView &&other)

other – A reference to an object of type BinarySparsePredictionView that should be moved

class BinarySparsePredictionMatrix : public IterableBinarySparseMatrixDecorator<MatrixDecorator<BinarySparsePredictionView>>
#include <prediction_matrix_sparse_binary.hpp>

A sparse matrix that provides read-only access to binary predictions that are stored in the compressed sparse row (CSR) format.

Public Functions

BinarySparsePredictionMatrix(const BinaryLilMatrix &lilMatrix, uint32 numCols, uint32 numNonZeroElements)
uint32 *getIndices()

Returns a pointer to the array that stores the column indices, the non-zero values in the matrix correspond to.


A pointer to the array that stores the column indices, the non-zero values in the matrix correspond to

uint32 *releaseIndices()

Releases the ownership of the array that stores the column indices, the non-zero values in the matrix correspond to. As a result, the behavior of this matrix becomes undefined and it should not be used anymore. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory that is occupied by the array.


A pointer to the array that stores the column indices, the non-zero values in the matrix correspond to

uint32 *getIndptr()

Returns a pointer to the array that stores the indices of the first non-zero element that corresponds to a certain row.


A pointer to the array that stores the indices of the first non-zero element that corresponds to a certain row

uint32 *releaseIndptr()

Releases the ownership of the array that stores the indices of the first non-zero element that corresponds to a certain row. As a result, the behavior of this matrix becomes undefined and it should not be used anymore. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory that is occupied by the array.


A pointer to an array that stores the indices of the first non-zero element that corresponds to a certain row