Generating the Documentation

The documentation of the BOOMER algorithm and other software provided by this project is publicly available at This website should be the primary source of information for everyone who wants to learn about our work. However, if you want to generate the documentation from scratch, e.g., for offline use on your own computer, follow the instructions below.


The documentation is regularly built by our Continuous Integration jobs. The documentation generated by a particular job is saved as an artifact and can be downloaded as a zip archive.


In order to generate the documentation, Doxygen must be installed on the host system beforehand. It is used to generate an API documentation from the C++ source files. In addition, the Roboto font should be available on your system. If this is not the case, another font is used as a fallback.


It is not necessary to execute the steps below one after the other. Instead, running the following command should suffice to create the entire documentation, including files that describe the C++ and Python API.

./build doc
./build doc
build.bat doc

Whenever the documentation was updated or any C++ or Python source files have been modified, the above command must be run again in order to generate an updated version of the documentation that reflects the respective changes.

Building the C++ Apidocs

By running the following command, the C++ API documentation is generated via Doxygen:

./build apidoc_cpp
./build apidoc_cpp
build.bat apidoc_cpp

The resulting HTML files should be located in the directory doc/apidoc/api/cpp/.

Building the Python Apidocs

Similarly, the following command generates an API documentation from the project’s Python code via sphinx-apidoc:

./build apidoc_python
./build apidoc_python
build.bat apidoc_python


If you want to generate the API documentation for the C++ and Python code simulatenously, it is possible to use the build target apidoc instead of apidoc_cpp and apidoc_python.

Building the Final Documentation

To generate the final documentation’s HTML files via sphinx, the following command can be used:

./build doc
./build doc
build.bat doc

Afterwards, the generated files can be found in the directory doc/_build/html/.

Cleaning up Build Files

Files that have been generated via the above steps can be removed by invoking the respective commands with the command line argument --clean. A more detailed description of how to use this command line argument can be found under Building from Source.