Using the Python API

The BOOMER algorithm and the SeCo algorithm provided by this project are published as the packages mlrl-boomer and mlrl-seco, respectively (see Installation). The former is implemented by the class mlrl.boosting.Boomer and the latter by the class mlrl.seco.SeCo. Both classes follow the conventions of a scikit-learn estimator. Therefore, they can be used similarly to other classification methods that are included in this popular machine learning framework. The getting started guide that is provided by the scikit-learn developers is a good starting point for learning about the framework’s functionalities and how to use them.

Fitting an Estimator

An illustration of how the algorithms can be fit to exemplary training data is shown in the following:

from mlrl.boosting import Boomer

clf = Boomer()  # Create a new estimator
x = [[  1,  2,  3],  # Two training examples with three features
     [ 11, 12, 13]]
y = [[1, 0],  # Ground truth labels of each training example
     [0, 1]], y)
from mlrl.seco import SeCo

clf = SeCo()  # Create a new estimator
x = [[  1,  2,  3],  # Two training examples with three features
     [ 11, 12, 13]]
y = [[1, 0],  # Ground truth labels of each training example
     [0, 1]], y)

The fit method accepts two inputs, x and y:

  • A two-dimensional feature matrix x, where each row corresponds to a training example and each column corresponds to a particular feature.

  • An one- or two-dimensional binary feature matrix y, where each row corresponds to a training example and each column corresponds to a label. If an element in the matrix is unlike zero, it indicates that the respective label is relevant to an example. Elements that are equal to zero denote irrelevant labels. In multi-label classification, where each example may be associated with several labels, the label matrix is two-dimensional. However, the algorithms are also capable of dealing with traditional binary classification problems, where an one-dimensional vector of ground truth labels is provided to the learning algorithm.

Both, x and y, are expected to be numpy arrays or equivalent array-like data types.

Using Sparse Matrices

In addition to dense matrices like numpy arrays, the algorithms also support to use scipy sparse matrices. If certain cases, where the feature matrices consists mostly of zeros (or any other value), this can require significantly less amounts of memory and may speed up training. Sparse matrices can be provided to the fit method via the arguments x and y just as before. Optionally, the value that should be used for sparse elements in the feature matrix x can be specified via the keyword argument sparse_feature_value:, y, sparse_feature_value = 0.0)

Setting Algorithmic Parameters

In the previous example the algorithms’ default configurations are used. However, in many cases it is desirable to adjust the algorithmic behavior by providing custom values for one or several of the algorithm’s parameters. This can be achieved by passing the names and values of the respective parameters as constructor arguments:

clf = Boomer(max_rules=100, loss='logistic_example_wise')
clf = SeCo(max_rules=100, heuristic='m-estimate')

A description of all available parameters is available for both, the BOOMER and the SeCo algorithm.

Making Predictions

Once an estimator has been fitted to the training data, its predict method can be used to obtain predictions for previously unseen examples:

pred = clf.predict(x)

In this example, we use the estimator to predict for the same data that has previously been used for training. This results in the original ground truth labels to be printed:

[[1 0]
 [0 1]]

In practice, one usually retrieves the data from files rather than manually specifying the values of the feature and label matrices. A collection of benchmark datasets can be found here.

The argument x that must be passed to the predict method, has the same semantics as for the fit method. It can either be a numpy array, an equivalent array-like data type, or a scipy sparse matrix. In the latter case, the value that should be used for sparse elements in the feature matrix x can be specified via the keyword argument sparse_feature_value:

pred = clf.predict(x, sparse_feature_value = 0.0)