File head_type_single.hpp

namespace seco
class SingleLabelHeadConfig : public seco::IHeadConfig
#include <head_type_single.hpp>

Allows to configure single-label rule heads that predict for a single label.

Public Functions

SingleLabelHeadConfig(const std::unique_ptr<IHeuristicConfig> &heuristicConfigPtr, const std::unique_ptr<IHeuristicConfig> &pruningHeuristicConfigPtr)
  • heuristicConfigPtr – A reference to an unique pointer that stores the configuration of the heuristic for learning rules

  • pruningHeuristicConfigPtr – A reference to an unique pointer that stores the configuration of the heuristic for pruning rules

virtual std::unique_ptr<IStatisticsProviderFactory> createStatisticsProviderFactory(const IRowWiseLabelMatrix &labelMatrix) const override

Creates and returns a new object of type IStatisticsProviderFactory according to the specified configuration.


labelMatrix – A reference to an object of type IRowWiseLabelMatrix that provides row-wise access to the labels of the training examples


An unique pointer to an object of type IStatisticsProviderFactory that has been created

Private Members

const std::unique_ptr<IHeuristicConfig> &heuristicConfigPtr_
const std::unique_ptr<IHeuristicConfig> &pruningHeuristicConfigPtr_