
Author: Michael Rapp (

Provides utility functions for retrieving information about this Python package.

class str, python_packages: ~typing.Set[] = <factory>, cpp_libraries: ~typing.Set[] = <factory>)

Bases: object

Provides information about a Python package.


package_name: A string that specifies the package name package_version: A string that specifies the package version python_packages: A set that contains a PythonPackageInfo for each Python package used by this package cpp_libraries: A set that contains a CppLibraryInfo for each C++ library used by this package

cpp_libraries: Set[CppLibraryInfo]
property dependencies: Set[PythonPackageInfo]

A set that contains a PythonPackageInfo for each dependency of this package.

package_name: str
property package_version: str

The version of the Python package.

python_packages: Set[PythonPackageInfo] PythonPackageInfo

Returns information about this Python package.


A PythonPackageInfo that provides information about the Python package